Paul Matthews is a published poet, internationally acclaimed both for his poetry readings and for the joyful and interactive workshops in Creative Writing that he offers.
His two books on the creative process, ‘Sing Me the Creation’ and ‘Words in Place’ (both from Hawthorn Press) have proved inspirational to teachers of children and adults alike, and to all who seek to develop their powers of imagination. He has travelled widely with his work in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Germany (to name just a few) and now, after stepping back from his full-time work at Emerson College in East Sussex, he continues to expand his activities in the UK and elsewhere. He was the co-founder of ‘Poetry OtherWise’, a much-loved gathering of poetry lovers that ran for many summers.
In ‘The Ground that Love Seeks’ (a gathering of his poems from Five Seasons Press) he speaks of poetry being ‘a path as well as a pleasure’:
Whose word could be truthful enough
for the Stone to accept it?
Who could have beauty enough
to speak for the Rose?
Who could be innocent enough
to utter what’s at the heart
of a Wolf or a Goldfish?
Whose word could be grounded
in love enough to sound
what is most deeply Human?

Publications by Paul Matthews – click here for more details